【同义词辨析】 2018-05-24 疏忽negligent-remiss

negligent: implies culpable inattention to one's duties or business: I had been ~ in my letter writing.

neglectful: adds an implication of laziness and deliberate inattention: the society callously ~ of the poor. (callous: 冷酷无情cruel and shows no concern for other people: his callous disregard for human life他漠视别人的生命)

lax: implies a blameworthy lack of needed strictness, severity, or precision: a reporter who is ~ about getting the facts straight.

slack: implies want of due or necessary diligence or care through indolence, sluggishness or indifference: the ~ workmanship and
slipshod construction. (slipshod马虎:a slipshod hotel管理马虎的宾馆)

remiss: implies blameworthy carelessness shown in slackness, forgetfulness or negligence: had been ~ in her domestic duties.

negligent疏忽: 应受责备不关注份内职责事务(duties,business),neglectful忽视: 增加懒惰故意不关注,lax不严格: 不严格严苛准确(strict,severe,precise),slack懒散: 不下功夫仔细(懒惰迟缓随意),remiss玩忽职守粗心大意: 多用于职责,表现的懒散健忘疏失

记忆方法: 1) NNLSR重组成NRNLS那人能懒死==>疏忽来自懒惰

        2) 疏忽的意思是应受责备不关注mean culpably careless or indicative of such carelessness. (culpable: 应责备负责responsible for something wrong or bad)